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Join the AUC Alumni Associations next event to discover the transformative potential of AI.
Event details of AUC Alumni Association AI Event
29 May 2024
18:00 -19:30

A keynote speech by AUC alumnus Tim Alpherts explores AI's role in driving social good, followed by a panel discussion on the impact of AI on personal and professional spheres. Finish the evening with a gezellig borrel with AUC students, staff, and alumni.


17.30-18.00: Walk-in
18.00-18.30: Keynote speech - AI for Social Good by Tim Alpherts
18.30-19.30: Panel on navigating the impact of AI on your work & life with Jelke Bloem, Dora Achourioti and Siem Teusink
19.30: Borrel 

Amsterdam University College (AUC)

Room 1.02
Science Park 113
1098 XG Amsterdam