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When coming to study at AUC, there are three main types of costs that you need to consider: your tuition fees, your accommodation, and your other personal and daily living expenses.

Tuition fees

Tuition fees and accommodation costs are paid by all AUC students. For tuition, the level of fees you pay will depend on whether you qualify for the statutory tuition fee or not (see "Who pays the statutory tuition fee?").

Academic year 2024-2025

All in euro, per year

Dutch & EU/EEA1


Tuition fees



1"Dutch and EU/EEA" refers to those students who pay the statutory tuition fee. See also "Who pays the statutory tuition fee level?". Students not eligible to pay the statutory tuition fee pay the "non-EU/EEA" tuition fee.

Academic year 2023-2024

All in euro, per year

Dutch & EU/EEA1


Tuition fees



1"Dutch and EU/EEA" refers to those students who pay the statutory tuition fee. See also "Who pays the statutory tuition fee level?". Students not eligible to pay the statutory tuition fee pay the "non-EU/EEA" tuition fee.

  • Tuition fees explained

    For the 2024-2025 academic year: 

    • The statutory tuition fee for the AUC programme is EUR 4940
    • For students not eligible to pay the statutory tuition fee, the tuition fee is EUR 13790

    The fees are used to support AUC as an intensive and small-scale study programme that offers students an enhanced learning experience and personal tutoring, to support the diversity of AUC's international and residential campus community including AUC's scholarship programme, and to provide a high service level with respect to (international) career development. AUC has been awarded the "Distinctive feature of small-scale and intensive education" by the Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Council (NVAO) (see the link to the left).

    Law reducing first-year tuition fees discontinued from 2024-2025

    On 10 July 2018, the Upper House of the Dutch Parliament approved a bill that reduces university tuition fees for students in their first year. All first-year students enrolling in higher education for the first time after 1 September 2018 until the academic year 2023-2024 paid a reduced rate during their first year if they were eligible for the statutory fee. From the academic year 2024-2025, the law reducing the first year of tuition fees will be stopped. You can read more about the first-year tuition fee reduction and its discontinuation on the Dutch government's website

  • Financial aid

    Stichting AUC Scholarship Fund (ASF) supports diversity in the AUC student body by facilitating access to the AUC programme for talented and underrepresented students. Read more about ASF Scholarships or Talent Fellowships at AUC

  • Student finance/loans in the Netherlands

    While studying full-time in the Netherlands, you may be able to apply for student financial support. Whether or not you're eligible will depend on the study programme, age, nationality and residency status.

    Components of financial support

    Student finance in the Netherlands consists of several components, such as a (supplementary) grant, possibly a loan and a student travel product. You'll be required to pay back the loan after you finish your studies. Only the student travel product and the (supplementary) grant may become non-repayable. You will need to read more about study finance and whether you qualify (and for which components) based on the detailed information available on the DUO website. Please note that your eligibility for financial support depends on a number of factors, and not all students may be eligible for all components or products. 


AUC is a residential programme, and all AUC students live in the student residences on-campus for three years. The AUC student residences are owned and run by housing association DUWO. This means that AUC does not own the student residences, and you do not pay the accommodation fees to AUC. Rather, students pay the accommodation fees to DUWO. The exact amount of rent you will pay to DUWO varies depending on the type of room selected. You can find an overview of costs for the various room types on the Student Residences page. As an indication, the approximate costs for a typical single room are given below, adding together rent, estimated water and waste taxes, service costs and including rent benefit ('huurtoeslag'). Please note that in 2022-2023, the service costs increased much more than average due to inflation and associated rising costs of energy in the Netherlands and around Europe. 

All in euro, per year

Dutch & EU/EEA1


Accommodation (approximate)2 4920 4920

1"Dutch and EU/EEA" refers to those students who pay the statutory tuition fee. See also "Who pays the statutory tuition fee level?". Students not eligible to pay the statutory tuition fee pay the "non-EU/EEA" tuition fee.
 Adding together rent, service costs, estimated water and waste taxes, and including rent benefit ('huurtoeslag').  These costs are based on single rooms (where the majority of students live). 

  • Accommodation costs explained

    AUC guarantees accommodation for all enrolled students for three years. All AUC students live together in the residences on the AUC campus in Science Park for the duration of their AUC studies.

    Type of unit Average cost per month (in Euro)  Average rent benefit  per month (in Euro)
    Regular single 600 190 
    Large single
    (>32 square meters)  
    650 Not applicable
    (no rent benefit possible for <23 years old for this room type)
    Shared (2-person) 470 Not applicable
    Shared (4-person) 280 Not applicable

    You can find more information on accommodation and costs via the links below.

Personal and daily living expenses

The overview below is meant to give you an estimate of some of the additional costs to consider when studying at AUC. The actual costs of these types of expenditures will vary depending on your personal situation and lifestyle.

All in euro, per year

Dutch & EU/EEA1


Insurance (approximate)2 810 810
Books (rough estimate) 350-500 350-500
Visa/residence permit (approximate) -- 210
Living expenses (including food - rough estimate) 5500 5500

1"Dutch and EU/EEA" refers to those students who pay the statutory tuition fee. See also "Who pays the statutory tuition fee level?". Students not eligible to pay the statutory tuition fee pay the "non-EU/EEA" tuition fee.
2 The exact amount will vary according to your individual circumstances (see, for example, links under 'Insurance' below).

  • Books and living expenses

    As a student, you will need to buy essential books for your studies and cover day-to-day practical costs such as meals and drinks, pay for a mobile phone bill, etc. You should also consider transportation costs such as buying a bike or using public transport in your estimate as these will be necessary to get around the city. Additionally, you should budget some money for unexpected costs (if your bike gets stolen, or your laptop needs repairing or replacing, for example).

  • Insurance

    Like all residents of the Netherlands, you will need to have health insurance and it is also highly recommended that you take out appropriate general third-party insurance (liability insurance). Please don't forget to budget for these expenses while determining your cost of studying. 

  • Visas and residence permits

    If you are not Dutch, you may need an entry visa and/or residence permit to study in the Netherlands. The University of Amsterdam (UvA) provides immigration services to international AUC students for residing in the Netherlands for the purpose of studying. For more information,m please follow the link below to the “Visas and permits” webpage of the UvA. You may also qualify for a different type of residence permit than student residency, but the UvA can only assist with permits and visas for study purposes.

    For more general information on coming to the Netherlands to study, visit the Study in Holland website (an initiative of Nuffic, the Netherlands organisation for international cooperation in higher education), and/or the immigration websites of the Dutch government and Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).