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TEDxAUCollege will host their 2024 main event on Saturday 23 March featuring a line-up of inspiring speakers addressing topics of their choice.
Event details of TEDxAUCollege: Main Event 2024
23 March 2024
Wide-angle picture of a stage with the AUCollege TEDx letters
TEDxAUCollege Main Event


Started in 2015, TEDxAUCollege is a student-run committee that organises an annual event in the style of the TED talks. With the "x" denoting an independently run event, the same established TED format is followed with inspiring speakers addressing a topic of their choice in under 18 minutes. 

Tickets now on sale

TEDxAUCollege's main event will take place at CREA at the Roeterseiland campus of the University of Amsterdam. Tickets are now on sale via the link below.

Please note that this event is run entirely by AUC students and will take place at a location other than the AUC building. 

Roeterseilandcampus - building I (CREA)

Nieuwe Achtergracht 168-178
1018 WV Amsterdam