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In order to give prospective students a better sense of what classes are like at AUC, we are hosting three sample lectures in November and December. Prospective students from all backgrounds are welcome to join.
Event details of AUC Sample Lectures Overview 2023
Start date
29 November 2023
End date
13 December 2023

Overview of Sample Lectures at AUC

You can join one of the following sample lectures hosted on-campus or online: 

29 November from 16.00 to 17.30: ''Who Are We: Exploring Global Citizenship and Identity'' [on campus]

  • Lecturer: Dr. Nosa Imaghodo 
  • RegisterSign up via UvA Proefstuderen
  • Abstract: This lecture will delve into the intricate web of factors that shape our identities -- encompassing genetic and ethnic backgrounds, culture, gender, and race. We will shed light on the underlying social structures that either confine or empower the formation of our identities.

6 December from 18.30 to 20.00: "Earth: a planet in and out of equilibrium" [online] 

  • Lecturer: Dr. Misha Velthuis
  • RegisterSign up via UvA Proefstuderen
  • Abstract: As AUC senior lecturer in Sciences (with bridges to the Social Sciences), Dr. Misha Velthuis will show how Earth is simultaneously remarkably stable and remarkably dynamic. Tracing the complex mechanisms behind this apparent contradiction can help us find renewed appreciation for systems that have made it possible for humans to thrive.

13 December from 18.30 to 20.00: "Film Philosophy" [online]

  • Lecturer: Dr. Allard den Dulk
  • Register: Sign up via link below.
  • Abstract: Films are objects of philosophical reflection, but films themselves might also be said to produce philosophical reflection. This lecture will move back and forth between those two possibilities: we will philosophise about film (both the medium in general as well as particular films) and we will also ask how films themselves might be said to 'do' philosophy. As part of the lecture, we will look at scenes from different films, and pair them with different thinkers – in order to confirm that films, rather than fanciful flights into fantasy, can in fact be seen as  philosophical explorations of reality.

Participate in an AUC sample lecture

Prospective students who are thinking of applying to AUC frequently want to know what a class is like. With the diversity of courses offered, it can be difficult to choose a single representative class, as AUC students also take lab courses, conduct fieldwork outside of the classroom, participate in group work, immersive projects, give presentations and the subject matter often spans the Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities. Nevertheless, we want to give prospective students the opportunity to get a feel for how course material is presented, the style of lectures and how subjects are approached in the classroom.