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Regular applicants who have accepted their offer to study at AUC starting in September 2023 will be invited to the AUC Welcome Day. An optional event, the Welcome Day gives applicants the chance to meet current students, staff members, their future classmates, tour campus and student residences, and receive more information on the housing selection procedure.
Event details of Welcome Day for Regular Applicants
26 May 2023
13:00 -16:00
0.08 (Common Room)

Meet the AUC community and future classmates

The Welcome Day in May is an opportunity for students from the regular application round who have accepted their offer to start their studies at AUC in September 2023 to come to campus to meet and mingle with their future classmates, learn what they can expect over the summer from our Admissions Office, and tour the student residences before the housing selection rounds begin. All eligible students will be informed by email of the programme and how to confirm their attendance. 


12.50-13.00: Arrival & check-in

When you arrive, you'll be greeted by members of our communications team, checked in and directed to the opening plenary session.

13.00-13.15: Welcome & Introduction from Admissions

AUC's Admissions Officer, Kasia Malarek, will welcome you and briefly discuss the next steps in finalising your enrolment, immigration procedures, submitting any final documents and an overview of the housing selection procedure. 

13.15-13.45: Get to know your classmates

Learn more about who else is coming to AUC! Let one of AUC's Student Life Officers, Aino Kekkonen, lead you in an activity where you'll get to know who will be joining you at AUC in September 2023. 

13.45-14.10: Coffee/tea break, questions & explore the academic building

Grab a coffee or tea and have a look around AUC's academic building. You'll have time to view classrooms, project rooms and the many study spaces on campus. There will also be time to ask our Admissions Office questions. 

14.10-14.30: Student life at AUC - Ambassadors & the AUC Student Association

Now that you know some of your classmates, you'll get the chance to hear from representatives of the AUC Student Association about all of the different extracurricular groups and events that they run, and the role that they play in social life at AUC. You will also get a chance to hear from current AUC students about their favourite places in Amsterdam Oost and some tips on what to do over the summer before coming to AUC. 

14.30-15.00: Visit the student residences

Student ambassadors will bring you to the student residences (just a five-minute walk) where you'll be able to see where the residences are located, receive some information about housing options at AUC and view a few student rooms.

15.00-16.00: Snacks and drinks at Cafe Maslow

To finish off the day, you'll be visiting one of the popular student restaurants on campus, Cafe Maslow! Enjoy some snacks and a (non-alcoholic) drink while asking any final questions you might have before heading home.


All activities for the Welcome Day will take place at the Amsterdam University College academic building located at: 

Amsterdam University College (AUC)

Room 0.08 (Common Room)
Science Park 113
1098 XG Amsterdam