29 November 2022
The Keuzegids Universiteiten ranks study programmes based on scores in various categories such as programme content, quality of teaching, assessments and more. This ranking results in an index with a scale from 0 to 100. Study programmes ranking 75 or higher then qualify for the 'Top Rated Programme' designation. With an overall score of 83 (6 points higher than last year), AUC ranks among the best study programmes in the Netherlands. AUC was rated particularly highly for the quality of teaching.
Bachelor's programmes with this designation represent the top university programmes according to the guide. The seal is meaningful because the Keuzegids is one of the only independent consumer guides to compare the quality of all national degree programmes in the Netherlands. This means that independent and diverse groups of both students and experts have been asked to give their opinions about many aspects of university life, from faculty to facilities and more.
The rankings are based on the national Studiekeuzedatabase and are updated using other data sources, including the Nationale studentenenquete 2022 for the opinions of students, the evaluation of expert panels such as the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO), and the reports of the panels NVAO have consulted themselves. The resulting score weights success-related indicators and personal evaluations equally.