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UvA lecturer Dr. Farid Boussaid will deliver this Who's in Town lecture titled "Israel - Palestine Conflict: Historical Origins, Regional Implications and Future Projects" on Thursday 7 December from 12.30 to 13.30 in Room 1.01AB. Please note that this event is only open to AUC students and AUC staff members.
Event details of WiT: Dr. Farid Boussaid "Israel - Palestine Conflict: Historical Origins, Regional Implications and Future Projects"
7 December 2023
12:30 -13:30

Please note: Due to capacity reasons, this event is only open to AUC students and AUC staff members.


In this lecture, Dr. Boussaid will provide a short historical overview of the Israel-Palestine conflict. In addition, he will discuss the effect it has on the region as well as the role of the United States therein. Finally, the lecture will also look toward the future and sketch what the days after the war could look like.


Dr. Farid Boussaid is an assistant professor in the University of Amsterdam’s Department of Political Science and an expert on International Relations in the Middle East. His research is focused on political economy and more specifically the role of international financial institutions in the region.   


  • Room 1.01AB, Amsterdam University College (Science Park 113, Amsterdam 1098 XG)
Amsterdam University College (AUC)

Room 1.01AB
Science Park 113
1098 XG Amsterdam