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The representational rights of AUC employees reside with the Works Council ("Ondernemingsraad") of the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam.

UvA Faculty of Sciences Works Council and AUC-ODC

The Works Council legally represents Faculty of Science staff and constitutes the faculty's representative advisory council. The Works Council consults with the faculty administrator (the Dean of the Faculty of Sciences) on all policy matters and the organisation's effective performance in terms of all its objectives. The Works Council also issues recommendations on financial policy, organisational policy and human resources policy. 

Within the Faculty of Science Work Council, a special sub-committee ("onderdeelcommissie") has been established for AUC (ODC-AUC). The ODC-AUC of the Works Council FNWI functions as the official representative body of AUC employees, including both academic and administrative staff. 

ODC-AUC members 

Natalie Strong is Secretary to the Works Council (ODC).