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The top governing body of AUC (the Deans of the sciences faculties of the VU and UvA) is supported by an advisory Council of Deans drawn from both the VU and UvA, which includes at least one Dean of a faculty of humanities and at least one Dean of a faculty of social sciences. AUC’s Student Council nominates a student member to this advisory Council of Deans, and the AUC Dean attends its meetings. The Council of Deans also has special responsibility with regard to ensuring the deployment of high-quality academic staff from the faculties to teach at AUC.

AUC Council of Deans 2024-2025

  • Prof. Dr. Aletta Kraneveld (Dean, VU Faculty of Science) co-chair
  • Prof. Dr. Peter van Tienderen (Dean, UvA Faculty of Science) co-chair
  • Prof. Dr. Christa Boer (Dean, UvA Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences)
  • Prof. Dr. René van Woudenberg (Dean, VU Faculty of Humanities)
  • Prof. Dr. Gregor Halff (Dean, VU Faculty of Social Sciences)
  • Prof. Dr. Mireille van Eechoud (Dean, UvA Faculty of Law)
  • Amelija Sokolovskaja (AUC Student Member)